Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I'm a 4th year senior at Texas A&M University taking CSCE 462. I am taking this class due to the fact it satisfies one of my electives and because I heard it was fun and interesting. As far as experience goes I have taken all of the general lower level CSCE classes and have knowledge in programming (most comfortably in C, C++ and Java). My professional life goal is just to land a successful career in something I enjoy doing. I have a broad spectrum of what I want to do such as Game Development, Computer/Network Security, Software Development, Compuer/Network Administration, etc. All I know is, it will be with computers. Two of my personal life goals are to break a 5 minute mile and to run a marathon. After I graduate I want to start a career that will become fun and successful. I expect to be working 10 years from now in the industry. I believe some sort of advance artificial intelligence will be the next big advancement in computer science. If I could travel back in time, I would meet Bill Gates in his teen years because Bill Gates is one of my heroes and I'm curious how he behaved and acted in his younger years.My favorite shoes would have to be trail running New Balance shoes. They are my favorite because New Balance shoes have always been reliable and durable. They were the only shoes (not the same pair) I used in for running Cross Country. If I could be fluent in any foreign language I would probably choose Farsi/Arabic solely because of the benefits it brings when applying for a government job. Unfortunately I don't have a very interesting story. About all I can think of is that I moved around a bit. I was born in Mississippi. My dad worked at the candy manufacturing plant called M&M Mars (might know them for their popular M&M's and Snickers). I am a 3rd generation Aggie and I am slowly trying to grind my way to my undergraduate degree.

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