Thursday, September 13, 2012

Article Reading #1: Minds, Brains, and Programs; The Chinese Room

To be blunt, I did not enjoy reading about the article. I had a very difficult time understanding just exactly what the paper is about. Fortunately for me, I had a better time reading the Wikipedia article on the Chinese Room.

I have always wondered if it's possible for man to create a true artificial intelligence. I usually end up with the conclusion that it is not possible. I believed that it is possible to mimic intelligence, but in the end, it is all programmed. I think that machines cannot make a "free choice". Any choices it seem to make would have to be a result of its programming. Is it possible humans or some other intelligent life are programmed? I don't know. When humans make decisions we often have moral values and gut feelings come into the decision making. Intelligence is not just about decision making either though.

Based upon my understanding of the article and the paper, Searle does not believe a true artificial intelligence. Consciousness is a complex phenomena that is impossible to replicate in a machine.  In the experiment, the computer can process certain symbols which hold no value or have no meaning. For humans though, there is a strong meaning behind symbols or words.

Artificial intelligence has been an interesting topic for me, but the difficulty in understanding it causes headaches. It's extremely hard for me to wrap my head around the possibility of a true artificial intelligence. However, I don't know what sort of advances will be made in computers in the next 50 or 100 years. About the closest thing to a true artificial intelligence that I can think of is actually some sort of living organism that is augmented into a computer, but this may be considered a cyborg like creation since. How to "hook up" an organism to a computer? Again, I don't know.

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