Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Book Reading #5: Skinners Box, Part 3

Chapter 5:
I enjoyed this chapter since it gave more insight into people that make up ridiculous excuses to make reinforce their belief despite evidence that they are wrong. It's interesting to think that people will hold a stronger belief or perform an action when the reward is small. To me, it feels like it stems from people not wanting to be embarrassed or are anxious at what others think of them.

Chapter 6:
This chapter was a bit disturbing to me. It was awkward to read while the author talked vividly about a babies mothers nipple. As far as what the chapter was about, I found it sad what had happened to the monkeys but at the same time, I believe it is critical for human health. The fact that the monkeys were practically crazy when having anti-social mothers interests me in the sense that how people develop. Different people have different social skills, many of these skills can be developed differently with different raising styles and/or different mothers.

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