Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Article Reading + Book Reading: #1

I found the article to be extremely difficult to read. It was long, boring, and failed to peak any interest in me.

The book on the other hand was a better read. The book was way easier to read than the article. The book also had a very interesting subject.

In the book the fact that writing and speeches can give insight into a person. This insight is invaluable to psychologists. One of the interesting things was the use of their LIWC program. The program analyzed text and would total the number of times a word was used within a given category. This could be used to see the distribution and breakdown of someone's speech, book, or article.

Something that I wondered about though was how to improve on the LIWC program by allowing it to interpret and understand sarcasm. The program would have to use context clues in order to gain a better understanding of a words meaning. I often wonder how a program can go about doing this.

The book seems to be an interesting subject while the article was dry and boring. Hopefully, Gang Leader for a Day will be a lot better.

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