Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Ethnography Ideas

College Station Running Group:  This would by far by my first choice as to which ethnography I would like to study. I love to run but have not been in a running group before. I believe the people will be kind and friendly.

Amish Community:  I don't know if an Amish or Amish-like community lives nearby but this would be another interesting choice. Given the fact that everyone in our class is somehow connected with technology and used to technology, it would be interesting to study a group of people who choose not to use technology.

Weightlifting Group:  This group would be another interesting choice to study. I'm not much of a weight-lifter so finding and studying a group that devotes their time to lifting weights could be an interesting experience.

Paintball Group:  This one would be fun. I love to play paintball and have gone to only one of the paintball group's meeting before. I know almost nothing about them. Their lifestyle must be unique and will probably provide for an interesting group to study.

Tae Kwon Do:  Tae Kwon Do was something that I did and enjoy when I was a lot younger. Unfortunately since we moved, we had to leave behind our Tae Kwon Do instructor and facility. It would be interesting to see how as adults people behave in a Tae Kwon Do group. Do they do it for exercise? For competition? For self-defense? Maybe there's some other ulterior motive for taking Tae Kwon Do.

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